Cure - Wailing Wall - Testi - TrovaCd

Cure - Wailing Wall

[Verse 1]
The holy city breathed
Like a dying man
It moved with hopeful tears
With the tears of the blind

And on and on as the night drew in
Through broken streets that sucked me in
My feet were bare and cut with stones
With walking to the promised land

[Verse 2]
I pushed through crowds, through seas of prayer
Through twisting hands and choking air
A vulture at the wailing wall
I circled, waiting

And on and on as the night drew in
Through broken streets that sucked me in
My feet were bare and cut with stones
With walking to the promised land

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(rsd 2024 - picture disc - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
anno: 1984
vinile  € 35,00
disponibile (2) in negozio

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